Andrea B.
West House
Topic: Foster Care
EQ: What is the best way to help a foster child find a permanent home?
New EQ: What is most important in the adoption process of a foster child.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Third Interview Questions

  1.  What is the best way to help a foster child find a permanent home?
  2. What steps are involved in adopting a child from foster care?
  3. How can we help the child to feel welcome? 
  4. Does the behavior of the child matter when it comes to finding a permanent home?
  5. How should the adoptive parents treat them?
  6. What is the best way to help a foster child feel love?
  7. What should you do to help them forget about their passed if there was abusive, neglect, and any other traumas?
  8. How should the adoptive parents prevent child abuse and neglect?
  9. How can the adoptive parents help their foster child have a better life?
  10. For a foster child to find a permanent home does the adoptive family need to talk to their biological parents?

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